5. Deesis


Russian, second half 17th century, Yaroslavl
28.3 x 57.2 cms (sold)

Collection Kasteel de Wijenburgh, Echteld, The Netherlands, inventory no. 5588
Private collection, The Netherlands
Collection Igor Vozyakov, Russia
Private collection, Germany

B. Velthuis, ‘De Zoon, Christus op Ikonen’, de Wijenburgh, Echteld, The Netherlands, 1980, p. 196, ill. 143.
H.J. Roozemond-van Ginhoven, ‘Ikon, inspired art, icons from Wijenburgh’, Echteld, The Netherlands, 1980, ill. no. 19.

‘Ouverture. Verzamelde ikonen bij Odigia’, Stichting en Museum Odigia, The Hague, The Netherlands, December 8 1996 – January 26 1997.
‘Tsaar der Taren – Christus op Ikonen, Stichting en Museum Odigia, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 4 1997 – January 6 1998.